So much to disagree about and so little time. Fortunately, The Alley in Mariposa, CA has a time and a place to settle these things. It’s called “Festivus” or “Days That End in “Y.”
Episode 59: Touchstone Brewing
Climb for a couple hours and then have a nice refreshing stout to replenish when you come down. Photo by Bob Moffitt.
Audio edited by Glenn Crim.
Episode 58: The Beer Gods Make A Visit
Episode 57: Super Stout In A Bowl
Episode 56: A Public Service Announcement
it’s time for the Stoutcast to flex its social and political muscle and speak out on topics facing America today. Listen to hear our views on: the metric system, Portland, more cowbell, acid reflux, rubbing alcohol, controlled skids on an electric scooter, holding true to your values despite the abv of the beverage you are consuming and -most importantly- tasteless license plates.
Episode 55: Jackrabbit Comes Alive
A jackrabbit, almost completely camouflaged by the pink, orange and yellow Lantana (total guess) bush, waits for thirsty victims to come around the corner and will then…provide them with tasty beverages. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 54: The Lost Episode
Copyright. All Rights Reserved Mary Margaret Moffitt.
Episode 53: New Helvetia Deep Thinking
Some day, people will look at pictures like these and ask, “Why were they wearing masks again?” Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 52: So So Pretty
If there are six guys making a podcast who are having more fun than we are, we wouldn’t like to meet ‘em.
Beer and baseball have gotten along famously for a couple hundred years. Catch the latest on the game at
Episode 51: Marky Mark Poured Coffee On Blank At New Glory Brewing
Dan’s not trying to steal my soul. Honest. He’s just trying to beat Jared at the “How many peace signs can we flash at once” game.