Excellence abounds at 1850 Brewing in Mariposa, CA. Don’t forget to check out the stoutcast.com site for our best-of page and our beer list.
Read MoreEpisode 69: Father's Day
Caption contest! Wrong answers only!
Episode 68: Happy Mother's Day, Afghanistan!!!
Ah, memories. Like when ma swallowed her chaw when the skunks came for dinner and ran off with the Christmas goose. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Beer and baseball have gone together nicely for 200 years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.com
Episode 63: 1850 Five Years Later
Are goldens stouts? How about blondes? Brunettes? Discuss amongst yourselves. We will.
Episode 60: An Alley Airing Of Grievances
So much to disagree about and so little time. Fortunately, The Alley in Mariposa, CA has a time and a place to settle these things. It’s called “Festivus” or “Days That End in “Y.”
Episode 56: A Public Service Announcement
it’s time for the Stoutcast to flex its social and political muscle and speak out on topics facing America today. Listen to hear our views on: the metric system, Portland, more cowbell, acid reflux, rubbing alcohol, controlled skids on an electric scooter, holding true to your values despite the abv of the beverage you are consuming and -most importantly- tasteless license plates.
Episode 42: Jenny, The Covid Made Me Drink Some
Beer and baseball have gone together for a couple of centuries, maybe longer. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.com.
Episode 41: The Red Bus Beer Lab Is A Ride With Style
A blast from the past for gear heads and stout heads alike and back to the future with some new-aged kind of wizadry. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 39: A Roman Theater Musical At Crooked Lane
Crooked Lane is on the site of an old theater with Roman roots. The building is now much more hip. The brewery is now delivering anywhere in California. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 37: Muerta De Chancla
Mommas have been beating their children with flip-flops since the flip-flop was invented. Could be worse. I used to get a plastic flyswatter. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Beer and baseball have gone together quite nicely for more than two centuries. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.com.