Bob and his artiste brother-in-law Robert try out a 4-pack of milk stouts from Firestone, Electric, Belching Beaver and Left Hand before they finish off the day with a coffee offering from their host, 1850 Brewing Company in Bob's hometown and Robert's adopted hometown, Mariposa,'s halfway between Hornitos and Bootjack.
Episode 9: Rogues In Portlandia
Glenn looks surprised as Bob gives him the evil eye as they work on new material should the creators of Portlandia decide to return for another season....oh and they differ somewhat dramatically on their opinions of the beers presented before them by the fine folks at Rogue Hall. Photo by Michelle DeWeese Crim
Episode 8: Judge The CA State Fair Judges
The very best stouts California has to offer is on display every year at the state fair and every year, the fair throws a party to celebrate.
Episode 7: America Day
Derek Gallanosas and Corey Meyer are the masterminds behind the Moksa stouts. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 6: Canada Day
Pour some La Vache Folle into a glass and pure Canada comes out. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 5: Sacramento Beer Week At Boneshakers
"The Force" in the Sacramento Beer Week galaxy must have led us the Yoda of Boneshakers. "Eight stouts try you must..." Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 4: How Irish Could We Make St. Patty's Day? Two Scottish Kids Tried Awfully Hard
If we thought it was Irish, we bought it. Let's just say there's something to be said for accurate labeling. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 3: Two Very Different Schools Of Thought At Yolo Brewing Co
Hops, pink beer, peanut butter and jelly, lactose, kettles, spelling, and all kinds of other stuff come out of this talk with a couple of guys with really different ideas of hats, beards, sweaters, and how to make beer, including a really, really good Russian imperial... Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 2: Darkness Imprisoning Me At Track 7
When you have a special release and it's so dark that only a Metallica riff can aptly name it, then you probably have something pretty darn tasty. Find out how it's made as Bob and Nick go road-tripping to Track 7 Brewing.
Amy Altstatt writes and illustrates children's book. She takes a dark turn on behalf of Track 7 Brewing. Courtesy Amy Altstatt/Track 7
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Episode 1: Let's Get Weird
An imperial stout, a vanilla stout and a beer that promises all things to all stout-lovers. There's some seriously cool and strange stuff to ponder here... after I get them off the roof of my car and to a cold glass. Photo by Bob Moffitt