Beer and baseball have gone together for a couple of centuries, maybe longer. Catch the latest on the game at
Episode 41: The Red Bus Beer Lab Is A Ride With Style
A blast from the past for gear heads and stout heads alike and back to the future with some new-aged kind of wizadry. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 40: Knee Deep Honesty
Beer and baseball have gone together for a couple hundred years, maybe longer. Catch the latest on the game at
Episode 38: Self Isolate This! From Oak Park Brewing
Episode 35: Capitol Beer Fest 2020
Tons of umbrellas and almost no need. Organizers hoped to add a classic car show this year. Maybe next year. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 31: Birthaversity
Three coffee stouts, an imperial, and friends to share a podcast were at the top of the list for this year’s birthaversity. Blackberry pomegranate preserves by Lil’ Ms Moffitts country kitchen. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 30: Shackin The Fool With Imperials From L.A., Civets From Indonesia And Steve From Boston
California’s governor at the time celebrated the end of prohibition here at The Shack, which was then known as “Docs” according to Photo by Bob Moffitt.
Episode 28: Fox Brew Pub Gives Us Vollmundigkeit At Nevada's State Capitol
The Fox looks good with a “Battle Born” flag and a mug of frosty goodness... a stout, no doubt. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Episode 24: Happy Anniversary At Mraz Brewing
Swarms of people came for the stout. Mike Mraz served them and talked to us about his creations. Photo by Bob Moffitt