Available in :30, :60, :90 and 57:30 versions.




Episode 56: A Public Service Announcement From The Stoutcast

Listen up, people. There are some important issues facing this nation. We can no longer bite our tongues. We must speak out. Please join us for a very special episode in which we tackle: the metric system, Portland, more cowbell, acid reflux, rubbing alcohol, old people trying controlled skids on electric scooters, holding true to your values in the face of an alluring ABV, and questionable license plates. Join hosts Jorge Oseguera, Dan Scott, and Bob Moffitt on a very socially conscious ride through a sweet and boozy flight. Listen to the PODCAST EPISODE HERE!

Carlow Brewing “O’hara’s Irish” 4.2 abv

Bob: For the love of all things Irish, please make the type larger. While you’re at it, please put something about the beer on the bottle. Check the website. Licorice. Fuggle Hops Fruit. Aftertaste. GOOD.

Dan: Berries. Light. Different. VERY GOOD

Jorge: VERY GOOD. No questions asked.

There Does Not Exist Brewing “Return to Earth” Oatmeal 5% abv

Dan: Toffee, espresso are expected and delivered. Staring into the dark depths of the universe, the depths are lighter than I expected.. EXCELLENT

Bob: I’m expecting wonderment. Everything mixes to one sensation. Smooth. Kudos to the can art. Totally original. Similar to the New Glory “Need a Moment.” VERY GOOD

Jorge: Little sweet. Disappears. GOOD

Gigantic Brewing “LP” American 5.7%

Bob: Outstanding label content. Asparagus? Bitter. Portland effort. FAIR/GOOD.

Jorge: I may have electric bike mouth along with a torn meniscus. Nothing spectacular. GOOD

Dan: GOOD. Nice. Has that North Westy funk.

Colony Mash Brewing “Black is Beautiful” Imperial 9%

Bob: Different. Bubbly like wine. Confusing. Great to share to discuss. GOOD/VERY GOOD.

Jorge: VERY GOOD. Sweet. Balanced. Coffee. Good finish

Dan: Brewer says this is a unique take on the original. Not boozy. VERY GOOD.

Jackie O’s “Dark Apparition” Russian Imperial 12.8%

Bob: Master Thespian. Thick. Boozy. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT

Jorge: Syrupy. You have to share this. VERY GOOD.

Dan: Boozy. Brown sugar explains a lot. Ow my face. VERY GOOD.

Jackie O’s “Vanilla and Coffee Bean Dark Apparition” Barrel-aged Imperial12.8%

Bob: Strong vanilla. Interesting combo. VERY GOOD.

Jorge: GOOD

Dan: Not like Spock. No melding. Ish. FAIR.

Dogfish Head “Worldwide” Barrel-aged Imperial 16.9%

Bob: Spots. Can you get the past the booze? It should be a dessert stout…like the kind of dessert you light on fire. It’s jumped the dogfish. Too much. Tastes good, though. GOOD Buyer beware.

Jorge: Coffee. Oooooh. Yummy. Not sweet. 35 proof is my jam. VERY GOOD/ EXCELLENT It also really helps with knee pain.

Dan: Barley. Still super strong after all these years. EXCELLENT after a bump up for execution in Delaware. Can someone put this on top of my birthday cake?

Beer and baseball have gone together quite nicely for a couple hundred years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.com