Dan Scott’s taking this death shroud thing a little far.
Episode 51: Marky Mark Poured COffee On BLANK At New Glory
Here’s an audio postcard: brand new microphones. a brand new mixer, and not enough power to handle any of it. Ended up re-recording on the phone… and sending a bunch of crap back. Who doesn’t include an AC power jack in an electronic device? Really, Marantz? Thankfully, our host was abnormally patient and the beer was… well, it was awesome. So, a toast! To return labels, beer labels, beer art, Marky Mark, The Great British Baking Show, Match Game, Gene Rayburn, Bert Kaempfert, and Jared Long at New Glory Brewing. Click HERE for the podcast episode! And the answer to the above is “roasted malts.” Why? What were you thinking?
Jackrabbit “Chocolate Oatmeal” 5.5% abv
Promises chocolate smoothness with roasted barley
Dan Scott: Not getting what’s promised. FAIR
Jared Long: Kind of metallic. Shelf life? FAIR
Bob Moffitt: I love the can. Had I known it was Barley I might not have expected so much. Really more like a lager. Drinkable FAIR.
Ex Novo “Mountains and Mountains” Imperial 10.2%
The can art is of the neon variety. Do we like it? Or is it a test pattern gone awry?
Jared: What noise? That’s just the ringing of Marky Mark turned up to 11. Nothing to hear…here. Beer’s balanced. Feel the vibration VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Bob: That song still gets me. GOOD/VERY GOOD Aftertaste brings it down.
Dan: What do you get when. VERY GOOD
New Glory “Balboa Street” Imperial 11.1% abv
Jared: Nuts? That’s just nutty. I’m gonna switch Bob’s glasses just to screw with him for making me record this thing for the second time.
Dan: Great almond nose. Delivers. VERY GOOD.
Bob: Nuts on first? Nuts? Almonds and coconut together? VERY GOOD. Impressive.
New Glory “Perkatory” Coffee Imperial 13.1%
Jared: Valiant Coffee, vanilla, cacao nibs.
Bob: Roasty. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT. Surprisingly smooth. Dan should do the beer art descriptions from now on. Match Game history found here.
Dan: This has restored my faith in this genre. EXCELLENT
New Glory “Need A Moment” Imperial Candy 14.8% abv
Jared: Twix Bars. Thousands of them.
Bob: Love this. Twix should kick down for the free advertising. Boozy and sweet. EXCELLENT
Beer and baseball have gone together quite nicely for 200 years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at thepitter.com