Episode 48: Let Us Bend Your Ear One Last Time
A simple stop at the 3rd Avenue Beverage store, in Bend, Oregon and a drop by John’s Market in Port, land has bestowed upon our hosts a plethora of Oregonian brewskis. Oregon for our purposes, encompasses all of Florida, including the Keys. Click HERE for our hosts’ latest adventures, with Dan Scott, Bob Moffitt, Chris Knapp, Glenn Crim, Jorge Oseguera and Joey Gonzalez, as they brave the land of Squatch and alligators.
Florida Beer Company “Mackeson Triple X” Milk 4.9% abv, 30 ibu
Bob: Where is it actually brewed? The internet lists several places. For the love of god, can’t they put some information on the bottle? Nice use of the currant. Way to invent a type of stout. EXCELLENT
Knapp: Man that looks good. Too bad mine ended up in the back of a car that wasn’t mine.
Joey: I am not easily influenced by the powers of suggestion, even from a conversation that was no part of this episode. Why am I clucking like a chicken on this stage? Subtly sweet and tasty. VERY GOOD overall, nice light summertime beer.
Dan: VERY GOOD. Balance between sweet and roast. Party up front annnnnd in the rear.
Jorge: GOOD. Sweet. Smooth.
Glenn: I’m expecting a gator accident and a Flo-rida bite. Unfortunately I don’t have it. But, my knowledge of Tim Robinson and Jane McCarthy’s wedding locale is epic.
Oakshire “Espresso” Oatmeal 5.8% abv, 27 ibu
Knapp: Where’s the chocolate? It’s drinkable. Delivers as advertised. No bitterness. GOOD
Bob: No chocolate, little sweet, oatmeal. Enjoyable. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Dan: A little too much coffee but still drinkable. GOOD
Joey: I love coffee but it’s a little bitter. Not overwhelming. VERY GOOD
Jorge: I like the balance. Smells funny. GOOD/VERY GOOD
Glenn: Subdued flavor profile. Should appeal to the masses. VERY GOOD
Worthy “Lights Out” American 7.7% abv, 30 ibus
Knapp: Nuts? Nope. It’s not bad. I’m not getting the hops. Why is Bob making that face? drinkable= FAIR
Bob: Vanilla? Space? Rabbit stew? There’s a sweetness, but too many hops and finish. FAIR
Dan: It’s growing on me like a good bog on the shire and Bob’s drunken English accent: GOOD. Texture is unusual.
Joey: It’s really syrupy. Otherwise meh=FAIR
Jorge: VERY GOOD. No rabbit stew here. To misquote Knapp, it’s subterfuge.
Glenn: Great nose. Very well-balanced. VERY GOOD.
Beer and baseball have gone quite well together for a couple hundred years, maybe more. Catch the latest on the game at thespitter.com