The Five Gunslingers Of Ronaville, now playing worldwide.
Episode 42: Jenny, COVID Made Me Drink SOME
After much wrangling and calling and texting and disinfecting, we managed to get four beers into the hands of five people in three states. But one of our hosts, no doubt during a captivating series of stories about his time playing football for Arkansas-Salem School For The Arts or that one time he ate shrimp with his best good friend Cletus, drank two of them before the episode could be recorded. Must’ve been the COVID. On your way to help a small business make it through this time, CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST with Chris Knapp, Bob Moffitt, Dan Scott, Joey Gonzalez, and Glenn Crim.
SLO “Feelin Your Oats” Oatmeal 5.7% abv
Bob: Delightful. Refreshing but there’s a little aftertaste. GOOD/VERYGOOD
Dan: Delivers. Not exotic. VERY GOOD
Chris: Not much there. I’m really in tune with the “I’m in a barrel” setting on my phone. Very drinkable. VERY GOOD
Glenn: Roasty. Light. Colder is better for this one. GOOD
Joey: I never saw a cent of that money. So refreshing I couldn’t stop drinking it . Surprising taste. VERY GOOD.
Grimm Ales “Moon Dreams” Oatmeal 5.7%
Bob: Metallic. What’s the date? No can data. You shouldn’t have to go online for info. I’m getting rye which isn’t a plus. FAIR
Dan: Little burnt. There’s a party going on, but all of the guests are fighting. FAIR
Chris: Bitter at the end. I get some of the molasses. FAIR
Glenn: I had a roommate named Forrest once. Like this beer, he wouldn’t leave either, but at least the beer didn’t steal my rent check. FAIR
Joey: I may not be a smart man, but I know what good beer is and this doesn’t remind me of that at all. FAIR
BarrelHouse “Curly Wolf” Maple Vanilla Imperial 9.0% abv
Joey: I’m not a fan of boozy and this hides it exceptionally well. VERY GOOD. This does not taste like cigarettes.
Glenn: Very drinkable. Light for a 9 percenter. Didn’t get the maple. VERY GOOD
Dan: Not too much. Little marshmallow? Booze complementary. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Chris: Vanilla is nice. Not heavy. EXCELLENT
Bob: GOOD/VERY GOOD Doesn’t deliver the maple. Vanilla is OK.
Track Seven “Dark Ailment” Imperial 10.4% abv
Dan: The label should be investigated. How did they know? This is no typical imperial VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Chris: It’s an imperial alright and I suspect the Illuminati. Missed the figs. Nothing special but still GOOD
Bob: Little bitter, little chocolate, drinkable GOOD
Glenn: GOOD. I reject the prohibition against “mouth feel” but I have a suitable replacement.
Joey: Something jumped up and bit me but I can’t taste what it is or much of anything they’re promising. FAIR.