Monks made beer as early as the sixth century. They were obviously on to something. Painting by Eduard von Grützner

Monks made beer as early as the sixth century. They were obviously on to something. Painting by Eduard von Grützner

Episode 33: A Party in monks cellar

Open fermentation vats are a unique characteristic of Monks Cellar brews. In this episode, Bob Moffitt, Todd Moffitt and Monks brewer Brian Crass break down six wildly different stouts and get a sneak peek at what the monks have got cookin’. News flash: It’s going to be really really good and Todd finally finds a beer to feed to the cat. Here kitty kitty! Click HERE for the PODCAST!

Bike Dog “Milk” Milk 4.6% abv

Brian: GOOD. You can’t expect a lot of thickness from a beer this light. Very drinkable..

Bob: FAIR. Really fizzy and thin.

Todd: Thin. Too much porter, not enough stout. GOOD

Guinness 200th Anniversary Foreign Extra 6.01% abv

Brian: Graham cracker comes to mind. Little thin for an export. FAIR/GOOD

Bob: A little fruity. GOOD

Todd: GOOD. Drinkable. Classic Guinness.

Karl Strauss 9 Bonfires Golden 7.5% abv

Brian: Kind of gimmicky. FAIR

Bob: I got the coffee and the vanilla but it’s not for me. Still, it delivers what it promises, which upgrades it from FAIR to FAIR/GOOD

Todd: GOOD. Confusing. Don’t know what the point is.

Elysian Dragonstooth Oatmeal 8.1 % abv

Brian: It’s now a Budweiser brewery. I really like oatmeal stouts but this is acrid and acidic. POOR.

Bob: Promises chocolate & citrus. A little over-roasted But I enjoyed the rest of this later. GOOD.

Todd: I like some Elysian beers but this is terrible. Bitter. Don’t know what they were trying to do. CAT

Almanac “Boost” Coffee 9.0% abv

Brian: Made with Admiral malts. The aroma and roast are what I look for. Very well-balanced.

Bob: Creamy and then the coffee hits you like a ton , no aftertaste. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT

Todd: Smells fantastic. Smooth and creamy.. One of the best. EXCELLENT

Monks Cellar Phlüffed Pastry 12.3% abv

Brian: Vegan marshmallows make this what the fluffy bit of goodness. 300 bottles went in a flash.

Bob: Peanuts aren’t my fav. Sustainably-raised marshmallows are however and they cover up the peanuts nicely. VERY GOOD. Great for around the fire.

Todd: Wow! It is a dessert stout to be sure. A little too sweet for me but VERY GOOD.

Coming Soon: Monks Cellar Divinity 2020 Imperial 14% abv

Brian: Chocolate nibs, hazlenuts, 13 percent going in, more coming out.

Bob: Honored to be tasting it before it’s debut. Can’t wait to see how the flavors mix with the barrel.

Todd: Finished the pittance Bob poured and I want more.

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Beer and baseball have gone together for more than 200 years. Catch the latest conversation at