Monks made beer as early as the sixth century. They were obviously on to something. Painting by Eduard von Grützner
Episode 33: A Party in monks cellar
Open fermentation vats are a unique characteristic of Monks Cellar brews. In this episode, Bob Moffitt, Todd Moffitt and Monks brewer Brian Crass break down six wildly different stouts and get a sneak peek at what the monks have got cookin’. News flash: It’s going to be really really good and Todd finally finds a beer to feed to the cat. Here kitty kitty! Click HERE for the PODCAST!
Bike Dog “Milk” Milk 4.6% abv
Brian: GOOD. You can’t expect a lot of thickness from a beer this light. Very drinkable..
Bob: FAIR. Really fizzy and thin.
Todd: Thin. Too much porter, not enough stout. GOOD
Guinness 200th Anniversary Foreign Extra 6.01% abv
Brian: Graham cracker comes to mind. Little thin for an export. FAIR/GOOD
Bob: A little fruity. GOOD
Todd: GOOD. Drinkable. Classic Guinness.
Karl Strauss 9 Bonfires Golden 7.5% abv
Brian: Kind of gimmicky. FAIR
Bob: I got the coffee and the vanilla but it’s not for me. Still, it delivers what it promises, which upgrades it from FAIR to FAIR/GOOD
Todd: GOOD. Confusing. Don’t know what the point is.
Elysian Dragonstooth Oatmeal 8.1 % abv
Brian: It’s now a Budweiser brewery. I really like oatmeal stouts but this is acrid and acidic. POOR.
Bob: Promises chocolate & citrus. A little over-roasted But I enjoyed the rest of this later. GOOD.
Todd: I like some Elysian beers but this is terrible. Bitter. Don’t know what they were trying to do. CAT
Almanac “Boost” Coffee 9.0% abv
Brian: Made with Admiral malts. The aroma and roast are what I look for. Very well-balanced.
Bob: Creamy and then the coffee hits you like a ton , no aftertaste. VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Todd: Smells fantastic. Smooth and creamy.. One of the best. EXCELLENT
Monks Cellar Phlüffed Pastry 12.3% abv
Brian: Vegan marshmallows make this what the fluffy bit of goodness. 300 bottles went in a flash.
Bob: Peanuts aren’t my fav. Sustainably-raised marshmallows are however and they cover up the peanuts nicely. VERY GOOD. Great for around the fire.
Todd: Wow! It is a dessert stout to be sure. A little too sweet for me but VERY GOOD.
Coming Soon: Monks Cellar Divinity 2020 Imperial 14% abv
Brian: Chocolate nibs, hazlenuts, 13 percent going in, more coming out.
Bob: Honored to be tasting it before it’s debut. Can’t wait to see how the flavors mix with the barrel.
Todd: Finished the pittance Bob poured and I want more.