It fills the frame and the Nitro fills in a lot of the boxes when it comes to a really good Irish stout. Photo by Bob Moffitt
Quaffable: It’s a funny-sounding word, especially if you mispronounce it “Koo awf uh bull” but it’s a thing and Helton Brewing in Phoenix knows how to make beers that match the definition. They also say things like “taste bud tactical response,” “sparge,” “poluphenols,” “how do you like your coffee?” and “You can hide a dead cat in an IPA.”
Helton Dry Irish On Nitro 5.2-5.6%
Bob Moffitt: Little coffee, little roast, mixed very well: VERY GOOD/EXCELLENT
Brian Helton: I get a French chocolate vibe, easy and smooth
Rob Coate: Creamy with the nitro. Easy drinking after a hard day
Josh Archuleta: I love stouts just like Bob Moffitt does. I like roast and a little bitterness, smooth on nitro
Helton Dry Irish on CO2 5.2-5.6%
Bob: GOOD/VERY GOOD Try the bitter first, then the nitro. Kind of a let down after having the sweet nitro
Brian: Carbonic acid accentuates the roast. Tell me how you want your coffee, I’ll give you a beer you like.
Rob: I like the CO2 better, but I’m kind of bitter on the inside.
Josh: I’m a politician. I love world peas, kissing babies, and both beers equally.
Helton Imperial 12.1%
Bob: Really barley-laden, nice taste but an off-putting aftertaste GOOD
Brian: Hard to get this creamy enough. We like it. Big and flavorful.
Rob: Ton of chocolate, barley, lots of oats
Josh: Fun beer to make. Really boozy. Learned a lot making it
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