This ol’ timer can be found in value packs and twelvers of beers of the world. If you see him, please do not attempt to make contact. Call a trained professional. Bob Moffitt/
Episode 20: Old Damned Beer
We thought we’d take a value pack of stouts into New Helvetia and hear the inspiration behind David Gull’s and Iver Johnson’s rye and barrel-aged imperials. Hosts Joey Gonzalez and Bob Moffitt expected the brewery’s efforts to sail high above the competition with its mystery air ships, and they did. But, it was why the competition was so inferior that was enlightening…or cloudy…or bitter…or rancid…or… LISTEN TO THE PODCAST HERE
New Helvetia Homeland Rye 5.5% abv
Joey: Liked the bitterness GOOD/VERY GOOD
Bob: Liked how it started, a little too bitter at the end. GOOD/VERY GOOD
Sierra Nevada West Coast 5.8% abv
David: It’s 6 months old! More of a black ale than a stout. FAIR/GOOD
Iver: GOOD/VERY GOOD. Well-rounded with its palatability and vegetabileness
Joey: Way too hoppy: CAT
Bob: I burped hops: POOR
Lord Hobo Meat and Potatoes Irish 7.7% abv
Iver: I’m a dry Irish lover. Good body. Expected more. Would love to dry it on draft. FAIR
David: Metallic aroma, suspect age. FAIR
Joey: Expecting something more full-bodied. FAIR
Bob: Reminds me of a red ale. FAIR
Dragon Jamaican Foreign Export 7.5% abv
The panel decided not to grade this beer since it had a sell-by date of two years prior. However, the continued sale of a creation so long after it was produced led to these descriptions:
Iver: How good was it fresh?
David: Easter egg dye.
Joey: Ugh.
Bob: Rancid pecan wine.
New Helvetia Bourbon Barrel-Aged 10.5% abv
Iver: It’s a share-and-sipper. It’s a big beer.
David: Steve Martin in his five-time-SNL-host jacket would enjoy this.
Joey: VERY GOOD. Sweet, delicious, I would get my blankey and this and call it a night.
Bob: VERY GOOD. A classic.
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